Support WVLP

Become a WVLP Supporter Today!

WVLP 103.1 Radio relies on donations from individuals, businesses and other organizations in order to continue to spread the word that on-going volunteer involvement leads to a better community. Donations are used to provide administrative and management support for WVLP 103.1 Radio. But more importantly, donations allow our staff to continue to education individuals, civic and fraternal organizations, religious groups as well as businesses of all sizes about WVLP 103.1 Radio; our purpose and how they can get involved.

WVLP 103.1 Radio is a registered 501 c3 non-profit organization and all donations are deductable. Thank you for considering a donation of any size to WVLP 103.1 Radio. All are appreciate and will be used in good faith to maximize the impact of nurturing volunteerism throughout our community.


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Donation Total: $15 One Time

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